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Advantage Academy

Agriculture Science/Horticulture

About the Course of Study

Agricultural education prepares students for successful careers and a lifetime of informed choices in the global agriculture, food, fiber, and natural resources systems. Instruction is delivered through three major components: Classroom/lab, FFA and SAE (work-based learning).


Level: CP   Credit:2   Grades: 9-12

The Agricultural Science and Technology for the Workplace course teaches essential concepts and understanding related to plant and
animal life including biotechnology, the conservation of natural resources, and the impact of agriculture and natural resource utilization
on the environment. Emphasis is placed on the role of agriculture in our society and the importance of agriculture to the welfare of the
world. Basic personal and community leadership and safety, and agricultural mechanical technology are included as a part of the
instructional program. Each student is required to design and participate in a supervised agricultural experience.


Level: CP   Credit:2   Grades: 9-12

Horticulture for the Workplace 1 includes organized subject matter and practical experiences related to the culture of plants used
principally for ornamental or aesthetic purposes. Instruction emphasizes knowledge and understanding of the importance of establishing,
maintaining, and managing ornamental horticulture enterprises. Typical instructional activities include hands-on experiences with
propagating, growing, establishing, and maintaining nursery plans and greenhouse crops; tissue culture techniques; designing landscapes;
preparing designs; sales analysis and management; participating in personal and community leadership development activities; planning
and implementing a relevant school-to-work transition experience; and participating in FFA activities.